Are we unknowingly being affected by electrical pollution

Released on: January 29, 2008, 10:09 am

Press Release Author: Arbor Books

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: Russ Allen speaks out about the negative health effects
electrical pollution has on living creatures

Press Release Body: (DEPERE, WI)-Is electrical pollution slowly deteriorating the
health of people across the country? It is a silent killer-invisible, odorless and
tasteless-which makes it the perfect pollutant.

That question is in the back of the mind of Russ Allen, a Wisconsin native and
author of the new book Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill
You? Mr. Allen won a settlement against the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
over the issue of the effects of electrical pollution and its direct effect on his
livestock and ultimately, the destruction of his eighty-year-old dairy business.

The electric utilities are allowed to use the earth to return the high voltage
current. In a distribution line all of the current going "out" the utilities line
needs to return to their substation. In fact, their documents say that the
utilities expect sixty percent of the return current to flow uncontrolled over the

On Mr. Allen's dairy farm eighty percent of the return high voltage current was
found to be flowing uncontrolled over the earth on its way back to the substation.
This current can show up anywhere, in a dairy barn, residential home or athletic
practice facility.

"Living creatures-pets, farm animals and human beings-can be affected directly
through anything that conducts electricity: metal, water or even flesh," says Allen.
"What makes it worse is that it can be flowing through your body without you knowing
it. No shock is necessary."

"Fibromyalgia is one of the most common diseases associated with electrical
pollution and who knows what else it may be causing," says Allen. "There may be so
many underlying diseases that have not yet been brought to the surface."

The following symptoms are a direct result of electrical pollution:
 Sleep dysfunction
 Chronic fatigue
 Muscle stiffness
 Joint pain
 Immune system impairment

"Showers, swimming pools and hot tubs are some of the biggest conductors of
electrical pollution," says Allen, "and when football players spend a few hours a
day in any of them, they are completely exposing themselves to the symptoms."

What people around the country do not realize is that this is not an epidemic only
plaguing Wisconsin. Throughout the country-with the lone exception of
California-courts have been flooded with electrical pollution cases.

"This type of pollution may be affecting Americans on a daily basis," says Allen.
"And due to the nature of this pollutant most will never know until it is too late."

Mr. Allen is one of the heirs (second generation on) to the Allen Dairy Farm outside
of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and a leader in the movement against the electrical
pollution of animals.

(Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? by Russ Allen;
ISBN: 0-9779685-0-2; $22.95; soft cover; 5½ x 8½; 498 pages; GLENMORE BOOKS)

Web Site: http://

Contact Details: GLENMORE BOOKS
5206 Little Apple Road, DePere, WI 54115
Contact: Russ Allen Email:

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